The Helping Hand Course

Helping You Help the Most

What’s the Helping Hand Course?

The Helping Hand Course is an online course that teaches you how to optimally care for someone who’s hospitalized so they’re in a space to heal quickly and be discharged as soon as possible.

After working as an emergency medical technician (EMT) and certified nursing assistant (CNA) for 16 years as well as my own personal experience with leukemia (ALL) and a stem cell transplant, I felt called to help ease the suffering of those who are hospitalized with newfound awareness, techniques, and resources.

I’ve since become a plant-based chef and an integrative nutrition health coach who’s lovingly dedicated to helping family members, friends and caregivers make a big difference in the life of someone who’s hospitalized.

This course is perfect for anyone who’s caring for another human and especially for someone who’s hospitalized; a course where you learn how to help the most.

Enrollment for The Helping Hand Course is open! You’ll receive access to the course upon registration and payment.

The Helping Hand Course

Join now for only $249!

WHY The Helping Hand Course?

✦ I’ve created The Helping Hand Course because I’m familiar with hospital life, both as a member of the staff and as a patient. I can guide you in providing a less traumatic experience and instead, create an environment that’s more conducive to healing.

✦ The Helping Hand Course is a holistic approach to patient care that considers the mind, body, spirit of both the patient and the caregiver.  

✦ If you want to be a part of the best possible outcome without just guessing or googling, be sure to join me in The Helping Hand Course!

The Helping Hand Course

Join now for only $249

My name is Brooke Susan and I’ve created The Helping Hand Course after working in a clinical setting for many years and after being hospitalized for many months. I’ve lovingly designed this course to help ease the suffering of those who are hospitalized by educating their families, friends and caregivers about how they can truly make a difference in the life of someone who’s hospitalized.

About me:

I’m a leukemia survivor, stem cell transplant recipient and health coach who helps patients who are hospitalized so they are in a space to heal quickly and go home as soon as possible.

I’m not only a cancer survivor and health coach, but I’m also a certified plant-based chef, a registered yoga instructor and I hold a Bachelor of Science in public health. I have 16 years of experience as an emergency medical technician (EMT) and certified nursing assistant (CNA) including home health care, pre-hospital care, emergency care and orthopedic surgery recovery.

I reside in Bellingham, Washington with my dog Skip where I enjoy health coaching, hiking, yoga, music, cooking, paddle boarding, cross-country skiing and photography.

What You Get:

When you join The Helping Hand Course, you get lovingly curated content about how to create a therapeutic space so a patient can recover quickly and go home as soon as possible.

You also get:

  • Self-care guidance and awareness  

  • How to create a healing hospital room

  • How to holistically (mind, body & spirit) care for a patient

  • Best communication practices 

  • Reliable resources, tools and techniques

  • Private Facebook support group access

  • Digital course handbook

Course Content

  • Module 1

  • Module 2

  • Module 3

  • Module 4

How to join:

Joining The Helping Hand Course is easy!

  1. Click here: The Helping Hand Course

  2. Follow the simple instructions in that form to submit your payment of $249.

  3. As soon as you sign up and your payment is received, you’ll gain access to the course, then the work begins! In the meantime, direct any questions you might have to I can’t wait to connect with you!


My friend/family member works in healthcare, can’t I just ask them how to help?

Answer: You can get advice from lots of people including Google. Many of them are going to have a personal angle attached to their advice, and some don’t have enough experience behind their advice. This course brings the experience of a patient in the oncology ICU and as an EMT/CNA for 16 years, which brings you insight into helping someone who’s hospitalized that is second to none.

Isn’t there a handbook or website for this?

Answer: Yes, there is a wealth of knowledge online and in complementary handbooks but neither of those things come from the perspective of someone who’s been hospitalized for months and who’s also worked in a clinical setting. I’m a unicorn.

I don’t have a lot of extra time; how much time does the course take to complete?

Answer: The Helping Hand Course is online and takes about two hours to complete. The course is self-paced and you’ll gain easy access upon registration.

How will I know if the course is helping the patient or not?

Answer: You’ll know the course is effective every time you enter the patient’s room and notice that it’s a much more pleasant space than any other location in the hospital. You’ll know the course is effective when nearly every staff member comments on the vibe in the room because of how great it looks and feels. You’ll experience a noticeable difference in the room and most importantly, so will the patient!

How much is the course?

Answer: The Helping Hand Course costs $249

Where do I get supplies for creating a healing space?

Answer: You can get most supplies at craft stores and/or by ordering online.

Or, you could purchase the HELPING HAND RECOVERY CARE BOX that’s been lovingly curated by yours truly, and is filled with many items that I used during my own personal experience being hospitalized leukemia.

Learn more about the HELPING HAND RECOVERY CARE BOX here.

How do I join The Helping Hand Course?